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Updated: Jul 17, 2022

An informative overview of my top 5 natural oils, Jojoba, Argan, Grapeseed, Olive and Sweet Almond Oil. Why I use them and you should too!

If you are anything like me, middle aged, mother and grandmother, you know as well as I do, that our skin has seen better days. Companies are quick to suggest the many anti-aging products that I’m sure you have lining your dresser or vanity. I was that person, but what I have learned in my journey to have the best skin I possibly can, was to use products that would actually help my skin and not make me dependent on commercial products. Over the counter products may have one or more of the Top 5 Oils that I list here, but the other side of the coin is what else are they adding. Chemical preservatives, synthetics that give the illusions of soft skin, harsh fragrances, the list goes on and on. I’ve found in my quest for products that were truly good for my skin and yours, is the minimalist approach. Less is definitely more.

I want to give just an overview, which is not by any means the complete list of all the great benefits of the Top 5 Oils that I use personally and in my natural skin care products, but I will give you some important tidbits on why your skin will love it!

#1 - Jojoba Oil

When most see this oil listed in the ingredients they automatically get excited and think that all of their problems are solved. The answer to that is yes and no. Yes, because Jojoba Oil is a great moisturizer, has antibacterial and antioxidant properties. It also can be used for oil control (weird right), but Yes and it may also help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The NO in this equation, and it is true for most products, is what else is in the commercial product that you are using.

The easiest and most effective way to combat this is to find companies that only make all natural products. Their passion and commitment to a healthier skin care regimen will shine through.

#2 - Argan Oil

Most of us are familiar with it being called Moroccan Argan Oil. It is used in a lot of hair oils and skin serums and has many of the same benefits as Jojoba Oil, (they usually go hand and hand). Like Jojoba Oil it is moisturizing, it has antibacterial and antioxidant properties, helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, it may also help heal minor wounds and the early signs of stretch marks. This light, non-greasy oil has been used for centuries, early on in traditional folk remedies, but has become very well known and used in a wide variety of products in recent years. Being a lightweight oil it absorbs quickly to hydrate dry skin and also improves elasticity.

When using oils you don’t want a battle Royale to see what ingredient will win. Oils that compliment and balance each other is the optimum end result that will give your skin the best results.

#3 - Grapeseed Oil

A lightweight heavyweight. It can help manage acne breakouts and lighten scars. It also fights hard to protect the skin from free radicals, (unstable atoms that can damage the cells in the body), in your skin. Grapeseed Oil penetrates quickly to provide ultimate moisture to dry damaged skin. I could go on and on about Grapeseed Oil, but I digress.

#4 - Olive Oil

This oil is the best option for those with sensitive skin. Olive Oil is very hypoallergenic, meaning it is relatively unlikely to cause an allergic reaction and is one of the main (or only) ingredients in Castile Soaps, due to it being very mild while still having many skin nourishing benefits. Castile Soap would be a great alternative for someone who may have a nut allergy and cannot use Sweet Almond Oil in any form. I’m starting to sound like a broken record, but Olive Oil also has antioxidants and fatty acids, which help fight the signs of aging. When applied to damp skin it can act as a second barrier for dry, cracked skin, which for many of us is a common complaint, especially in the winter months

#5 - Sweet Almond Oil

A double edged sword. It has so many benefits: it may reduce puffiness, dark circles around the eyes and improve skin tone and complexion. It is beneficial for very dry skin, can help reduce the appearance of scars and aids in the reversal of damage caused by the sun. The other edge, if you have a nut allergy using this oil may cause a reaction and create more problems than it solves.

A couple of key takeaways when using skin care products

Product Absorption vs. Penetration

Absorption - A product that goes past the outer layers of the skin and enters the bloodstream.


Penetration - Sounds graphic, but is what you want in your skin care. Products that penetrate help heal, condition and hydrate the skin without going past the skin layers.


The skin’s job is to act as a barrier for your body from toxins, so let’s not shoot ourselves in the foot. You want what's best for our skin, so graphic or not, the goal is Penetration not Absorption

are Top 5 Oil POWERHOUSES.

I hope you found some benefit in the Top 5 Oils Your Skin Will Love. In the coming weeks I will be talking about more than just oils, I will also talk about butters, clays and other natural ingredients that your hair and skin will Love! Try to control your excitement. On a serious note, this new blog series is about more than just natural ingredients, and I hope you join me as I share my adventures as small business owner. My triumphs, my failures and everything in between.

If you are interested in creating your own custom handmade soap, bath bombs, masks or scrubs, to best suit your individual skin care needs, reach out to me on anytime on any of these platforms:

phatbathandbody.com Join my email list to stay up to date on all of my sales, market dates & locations, new products and much more!

See you next time

*This blog is not a substitute for medical advice. I am not a doctor or dermatologist. This is information I have learned from my research into the benefits of natural ingredients and I urge you to do your own research as well. You know your body and what is safe for you to use. As with any new product or ingredients consult your doctor if you are unsure how it will affect your health. Be safe.

This is my first blog post and I would love your comments and feedback.

What is your favorite natural product?

  • Bath Bombs

  • Body Lotions/Butters

  • Handmade Soaps

  • Sugar Scrubs

You can vote for more than one answer.

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