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Where to Set Up Shop In the Houston Area

Updated: Jul 17, 2022

Market Host Review: Family Fun Houston & Why I Love Them. A review of one of Houston's hidden gems and why you should set up shop with them.

As a small business owner, I have been looking for ways to get my products in front of the right customers. I have been in the All Natural Bath & Body business for 2 years now and I wasn't seeing the growth that I wanted, so I did my research and in March of this year I started participating in local markets. The market I’m going to talk about today is the one that I firmly believe is beneficial not only to the community, but to the vendors as well. To be clear, I don't give out praise easily and definitely not without some comparison. I firmly believe that if you are interested in getting your business out there locally, want to get to know your customers base and allow them to get to know you, then Family Fun Houston is definitely the group for you.

Meet your organizers: Colleen & Mary

Two great ladies that I cannot say enough about. When I first started participating, they remembered my name and the name of my business although we never met or had spoken before that day. A stellar quality to have when you are dealing with people who have given you their money. From our very first meeting I felt welcome and since that first day, I have been selling at the various markets they have in the Houston Metro area and although I have attended markets with other organizers, I will remain one of their regular vendors.

One important aspect I appreciate about them is that they are visible, on market days they are there before everyone else making sure everything is ready to go. During the markets they both can be seen walking around talking to vendors and customers and addressing any issues. I feel like they go above and beyond to make vendors feel comfortable, so much so, that they go to each booth and give out cold water bottles at every market. That may not seem like a big deal to you, but if you’re selling outside, in Texas, in the middle of summer, an extra water can make all the difference in the world. So thanks for that.

If the first two reasons weren’t enough, Wait There's More!

This dynamic duo doesn’t sit on their laurels. They will not just hang on to an unproductive market. If something isn’t working they'll change the game. And this isn’t something that I’ve heard, this is something that I’ve seen. Initially I started my journey with them at the Gosling Sunday Market (RIP). The customer traffic was slow and the vendors weren’t really seeing enough money to make a profit, so they remodeled and moved the market to and area where vendors were proven to be more successful. Not only were they constantly thinking on how to improve the experience for everyone, but they made a point to keep the vendors in the loop. To me that was HUGE! As a vendor I’m spending money for a booth space, gas, etc., each time I go to any event, so I need a return on my investment each and every time I attend. I saw the customer traffic at the previous market and I was seriously considering dropping this market altogether, but through the honest communication from Colleen and Mary and their dedication to the success of everyone they changed things for the better.

Diversity is the Name of the Game

Markets they host cater to everyone. The vendors are diverse, coming from all types of backgrounds and the array of products they sell are vast. You can find everything you could want, plus things you didn’t even know you needed. All types of food, jewelry, fresh juices, all natural bath and body products like mine, phatbathandbody.com (i know shameless plug), clothes and so much more.

If you want to become a vendor. Here’s the deets:


Conroe Sunday Market ConroeSundayMarket.com

Rayford Sunday Market RayfordSundaymarket.com

Woodlands Square Market on 1488 woodlandssquaremarket.com

Social Media

July 2022 Markets

7/6/22 4pm-8pm Woodlands Square Market on 1488

7/10/22 & 7/24/22 11am-4pm Conroe Sunday Market

7/17/22 & 7/31/22 11am-4pm Rayford Sunday Market

If you are considering becoming a vendor here are a few takeaways:

  • You're probably not the only vendor in that niche, don't be discouraged. You may sell in the same category, but your style will not be the same as someone else’s. Think of it this way - You’re not in competition you’re providing options. (Unless you're selling a product not making it. Then yes, you are in direct competition, but they limit how many of those can attend-so be the 1st!)

  • Be prepared. Bring everything you will need to be there all day and be comfortable. Fans or heaters, portable chargers, plenty of water and good chairs are worth their weight in gold.

  • Be approachable. You may be there all day, but your potential customers are only there briefly.

  • Ask questions. From the hosts, other vendors and even from your customers. Find out why they came, what they're looking for or what they hope to find. This could be a valuable resource. They might have an itch you can scratch, if not this time then at the next market.

  • Have tons of business cards. No customer should leave your booth without one. They may not want it today, but they may want it tomorrow!

  • Be able to take credit cards. It’s a must, especially Apple Pay and Venmo. that may attract a younger demographic and therefore increase your potential to make sales.

  • Use your followers, especially if they are local. Post! Post! Post! Before, during and after the market. Posting customers with your product is also golden.

Final Thoughts

To date I have attended each type of market they host and each has its own unique feel. I like this format, because they are spread out, so you are able to reach a different local customer base at each market. For customers that don't want to travel, they don't have to, they will be in a neighborhood near you in a week. I will not claim to be an expert on these markets, far from it, but there are vendors who have been with them a long time. You will find that the vets are always (usually always) willing to share their experiences, do’s and don'ts, and even give you a heads up on other markets to keep you busy during the week (Take that part of the advice with a grain of salt and do your own research). All in all, Family Fun Houston is a great choice if you looking to take the next step in growing your business within the community.

If you have any questions or have an experience you would like to share, leave a comment below, give me a shout on social media,

my website, or go to the links I provided above, to reach out to Family Fun Houston directly.

*This is not a paid endorsement of any kind. They did not ask me to write this or give them any props. I wrote this, because there are so many choices out there for vendor events and so many of us don’t really know who to trust and who we should give our hard earned money. I just wanted to do my part and tell you about one group I personally have experience with and believe in the service they provide. I have worked with other markets, as I earlier stated and those reviews will come later. I wanted to review Family Fun Houston first, because they are the main group I will continue to support.

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